Build Me Up Fix Me Up – join our upcycling workshop!

Published: 16 November 2022
Our new upcycling workshop, Build Me Up Fix Me Up, launched three weeks ago at Grow Speke and so far, it’s been a roaring success.
In partnership with Grow Speke and Groundwork, the weekly workshop takes old, unused, unloved, and sometimes broken items, and brings them back to life.
Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority has provided funding to get the project off the ground, and the group is made up of volunteers, some who visit the community garden regularly, and others who wanted the opportunity to give something back.
Following an initial introduction to the project at our warm space, The Market Place Social, it was very much straight to work. Transforming items that were once destined for landfill, the group has so far revived a broken dolls’ house, a wooden pram, a shelving unit and a coffee table!
Learn new skills
Whatever your skillset, there’s lots of ways you can get involved. Carpentry, painting and general DIY skills come in handy, but learning something new is part and parcel of the project. The group has recently taken part in a sewing skills class to enhance their skills, ahead of making draft excluders from old beanbags.
All fixed up items will be available to buy from our community shop, The Market Place.
Volunteer your time
Build Me Up Fix Me Up takes place every Tuesday between 1-2pm at either Grow Speke or The Market Place Social, depending upon the weather. If you’d like to join, email us at We welcome new members and whatever skills you may have to bring to the table.